Literary Theory
Pallavi Singh
I graduated from Delhi University and completed my M.A in English from IGNOU. I am extremely passionate about making literary theory and history simple and accessible to scholars and beginners alike.
Literary History
The Age of Chaucer & His Works - A Critical Analysis
Literary History
The Age of Chaucer 1340 to 1400: History & Social Background
Literary Theory
Hegel's Dialectical Method
Literary Theory
A Beginner’s guide to Fundamental Principles of Marxism
Indian Literature
Foundations of Medieval Indian Literature: 600 CE to 1700 CE
Literary Theory
Gayatri Spivak’s Strategic Essentialism: Meaning & Examples
Literary Theory
Understanding Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Key Theories and Ideas
Literary Theory
'Intellectuals and Power': conversation between Foucault and Deleuze
Derrida’s Structure, Sign and Play - Summary and Analysis
Van Gogh 360: Expectations vs Reality