Literature, Theory and Criticism simplified.

Literature, Theory and Criticism simplified.
About Literature and Criticism

Literature and Criticism is one of the most spontaneous yet organic things I have done. I completed my graduation in English Literature from Delhi University in the year 2015. During my graduation, I realized two significant things about the subject that have stayed with me even after a decade –

  1. Literature is not confined to novels, stories, poems, and drama.
  2. Literary Theory and Criticism are among the most intimidating, yet indispensable tools to really understand literature and most often our lives as well.

This is all I took away from my graduation years. During college, I was not a brilliant student who was passionately in love with literature and theory as popularly and conventionally believed. I was yet to mature, yet to perceive the subject as something more than just an academic course.

It was after my Master's in literature from IGNOU that the much needed maturity and perception came. By the time I completed my Master's, I wanted to read more literature and understand theory as much as possible. A year later, I surprised myself and decided to study literature further. I prepared and cleared UGC-NET (National Eligibility Test) in English. It was then when I dared to be ambitious. It was then when COVID-19 hit.

After a series of mundane events, I was privileged to get a job as a lead content writer and stayed put for a year. All this time, the dull ache to begin studying literature again, develop critical thinking, and write academic papers did not leave me. Inevitably, three months ago, I decided to quit my very secure and comfortable job and become a student again.

In these three months I have written five papers out of which two are already published, and begun this website called Literature and Criticism.

With this website, I want to tell you everything I learn, and as I learn. With time, I have learnt to no longer study for an exam, but for knowledge, curiosity, and love for literature, theory and criticism. Every single blog on this website is an amalgamation of many books, academic papers, university notes, YouTube videos, podcasts, and my own understanding. As I study and prepare for enrolling in a PhD program, you will know at least as much as I know. On this website, clear concepts and foundations will always be a priority.

On Literature and Criticism, I write for a student who is intimidated by complex literary and theoretical topics, I write for any one simply curious about literature, I write for someone preparing for a college or entrance exam related to literature, I write because sharing my little knowledge with you continuously multiplies it.

Please know that everytime I slack, lose motivation, or just get distracted, it is you dear readers who keep me on track. At its very heart, Literature and Criticism is and will always be an attempt to look out and lend a hand to any one who is too overwhelmed by academic literature, theory, and criticism. It is absolutely free, and will always be.

Pallavi Singh

BA (Hons) in English, Delhi University

Master of Arts English, IGNOU. UGC-NET qualified

Author and Owner of Literature and Criticism



Published Papers

The Empty Home: Pallavi Singh - Hakara
A short story by Pallavi Singh.

The Empty Home by Pallavi Singh